All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractDefaultChainCommand<T> Default implementation for a chain-command.AbstractDefaultCommand<T> Default implementation for a command.AbstractDefaultProcessCommand<T> Default implementation for a process-command.Action ActionContentHandler ActionListToCommandContainerCommand ChainCommand<T> ChainCommand interface for the command framework.Command<T> Command interface for the command framework.CommandContainer<T> Interface of a command container.CommandException Exception which works with this framework.CommandTransition DefaultCommandContainer<T> CommandContainer that holds Command-objects.DefaultEndCommand DefaultParameterObject A simple implementation of a generic context.DefaultTransition GenericParameterObject Simple context interface for pass values across commands.GlobalCommandConstants InjectionChainBuilder<T> InputSourceReaderCommand ProcessCommand<T> Command interface for the command framework.SaxParameterObject SaxParserCommand TestCommand Transition Interface for a transition used for the process mode of the framework.XMLChainBuilder<T> Chain builder parsing an XML file for building chains or process chains.